S12: 10:45 - 11:30
A Case from Mulago: A Dramatic Heart and Lung Problem
Leads: Alex Kayongo & Majid Sadigh
To become familiar with the most challenging aspects of practicing medicine in resource-scarce settings, both from the perspective of locally trained and internationally trained physicians.
Method:: Interactive Case-Based Discussion
1. What are the main challenges of practicing medicine in resource-scarce settings for an internationally trained physician?
2. What are the main challenges of practicing medicine in resource-scarce settings for locally trained physicians?
Pre-session assignments to students:
1. Please read the following article;
A Piece of My Mind; Collaterals by M. Allison Arwady, MD, MPH
JAMA, June 9, 2010—Vol 303, No. 22, pages: 2229 - 2230
2. Please make yourself familiar with the following:
Pulsus Paradoxus
Kussmaul Sign
Cardiac tamponade pathophysiology and etiologies
Link to the Slides: A Dramatic Hearth and Lung Problem